- You are responsible for bringing your own tables, setting up and taking down your booth and cleaning your area completely. If you need a table, we will be able to rent them, and this will need to be paid with your application fee.
- We are going to have a lot of advertising for this event, you agree to be there the full time of the event and not leave early.
- You will treat all vendors there with respect and not be interrupting customers when they are at another vendors booth. Speaking negatively about another vendor or downgrading their products will be grounds to ask you to leave.
- You are allowed to sell whatever you would like except for firearms and alcohol.
- You are responsible for all your own items, we are not responsible for lost, stolen or broken items. Security will not be provided.
- Your fee for the booth covers the advertising, payment is expected up front and is non-refundable.
- Vendor and any employees agree to maintain a level of professionalism, clean clothing hair and personal hygiene.
- Vendors will be able to pull up front to unload and load but agree to move their vehicle to the back of the parking lot to make sure our customers have the best parking available.
- Homemade & More is not responsible for personal injuries at events, by signing onto the event, you are agreeing that if an injury happens you are solely responsible for it as you are at the event free of will.
- You agree to not block fire lanes at the venue while loading, unloading, or during the event.
- If you bring your children, you agree they will be kept at your booth and not disturbing other vendors. In an instance that your child damages another vendors property, you are responsible for the cost of any item damaged
- During the shows, we will come around and take videos and photos, by agreeing to the rules, you agree to allow for photos and agree to them being posted for public view